Uncover your next big innovation and revenue opportunity— in just one day

A strategic innovation workshop designed to help your team step back, analyse emerging challenges and trends, and transform them into groundbreaking business or product opportunities.

“The Breakthrough 360 Workshop was a game-changer. It transformed our approach to strategy and innovation by helping us take a good look at what was holding the business back and turn it into our advantage!”

Profile photo of customer

James Lee

Head of Product Strategy

Uncertain about the future economy?

Designed specifically to craft new business or product opportunities that were unknown or didn’t exist before.

Need to break the status quo?

Get unstuck by finding ways to create new competitiveness and progress. Turn workshop insights into actionable breakthrough plans for your business.

Scattered opinions and ideas

A collaborative space for sharing ideas and strategies with peers, building alignment and lasting relationships.

Don’t let stagnation hold you back—unlock new levels of innovation and profitability

Book a Breakthrough 360 workshop today and start crafting your future success. This workshop is your pathway to uncovering lucrative opportunities and streamlining your operations for maximum efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main focus of the ‘Breakthrough 360’ workshop?

The Breakthrough 360 workshop is focused on empowering participants to develop innovative strategies and solutions for their businesses when they want to start a new business idea, product or pivot. It’s perfect

Utilising our unique 3-stage ‘Diagnose, Design, Decide’ framework, the workshop facilitates a deep understanding of challenges, encourages creative problem-solving, and culminates in a clear, actionable plan for breakthrough development.

Are there any prerequisites for attending the workshop?

While there are no strict prerequisites, participants will benefit most if they come with:

  • An openness to innovative thinking and strategic planning.
  • A basic understanding of their business challenges and goals.
  • A willingness to engage actively in collaborative exercises.
What will I gain from attending the ‘Breakthrough 360’ workshop?

By attending, you will gain:

  • A deeper understanding of how to diagnose and approach business challenges.
  • Get unstuck and break the status quo, finding ways to beat the competition and progess.
  • Skills in designing innovative and practical solutions.
  • Experience in formulating and committing to strategic action plans.
  • Insight into how to foster a culture of innovation within your team or organization.
What benefits can I expect from participating in the program?

Participants can expect numerous benefits, including:

  • Mastery of a structured framework for innovation and problem-solving.
  • Enhanced ability to identify and address complex business challenges.
  • Development of creative, actionable solutions for strategic growth.
  • Opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and industry experts.
  • A clear, committed action plan tailored to your business needs
Can the ‘Breakthrough 360’ Workshop be customised for specific industries?

Yes, Breakthrough 360 is always tailored to suit the unique challenges and needs of different industries. Our team works closely with participants to ensure the content is relevant and directly applicable to their specific business context.

Who is the intended audience for the ‘Breakthrough 360’ workshop?

The workshop is ideal for Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Heads of Product and Innovation, and their teams. It’s perfect for those seeking to lead their organizations towards innovative growth and who are committed to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

How is ‘Breakthrough 360’ different from other brainstorming exercises and workshops?

Breakthrough 360 stands out because it:

  • Provides a structured, proven framework specifically for breakthrough development.
  • Balances creative brainstorming with strategic and practical application.
  • Is led by experts with real-world experience in innovation and strategy.
  • Focuses on tangible outcomes, ensuring you leave with a clear plan of action.
  • Offers a more personalized and in-depth approach to tackling specific business challenges.

Need more help or information deciding if this strategic innovation workshop is right for you? No worries, just contact us today.